AUGUST 23, 7:00PM
Don't forget
Canada | Comedy | 7 min
Director/Writer: Jeremy Stuart Thompson
Producer: Jeremy Stuart Thompson, Brooke Palsson, Martin Wojtunik
Cast: Varun Saranga, Brooke Palsson
Story about a fella and his wife about to drive to an event. Well, Just as long as he remembered everything of course.
Stressy Squishy
USA | Comedy | 2 min
Director/Writer: Katherine Fan
Producer: Ringling College of Art and Design
A stress toy that is traumatized by bullying and abuse decided to go to therapy. He thought it would be a good start to have peace of mind but little does he know, the therapist isn’t very professional. The therapist wasn’t paying attention to him and was doing crossword puzzles. After the stress toy finds out, he decides to take his stress out on the therapist to relieve his stress.
Der Dummkopf
Canada | Comedy | 23 min
Director/Writer: Maarten Colenbrander
Producer: Jack Candido Baker, Ryan Liew, Michael Dodaro
Cast: Callum Challis, John Wilson
A drunk vagrant stumbles his way into a turf war between Italian and German drug dealers, fighting over the newly synthesized German drug: "Panacea".
The Fallen Tree
Canada | Drama | 11 min
Director/Writer: Andrés Athanasiadis
Producer: Akshita Negi
Cast: Viphusan Vani, Julia Spellman, Cathy Henderson
Thomas, a boy just looking to have a normal life, has the responsibility of being there for his mother, trying to hide his mother's habit of talking to a plant in her house, until life events force him to discover the truth, begging for the opportunity to do the right thing.
Canada | Drama | 7 min
Director/Writer: Danielle Arouh
Producer: Jen Bendle
Cast: Serena Parsalidis, Andy Courtemanche
After leaving her abuser, a young, pure-hearted Maeve is left living out of her car, contemplating whether she's happier with or without her manipulative boyfriend.
As Below
Canada | Drama | 13 min
Director: Nicholas Cafagna
Writer: Alexander Ciarmela
Producer: Alexander Ciarmela, Nicholas Cafagna, Joseph Bonofiglio
Cast: Melissa Karimzadeh, Ricar Giachini, Jonathan Evangelista
Tormented by a previous relationship, Sophia struggles to cultivate an independent idea of self.
Canada | Drama | 14 min
Director/Writer: Viktoriia Shpachenko
Producer: Sofia Alejandra Perez
Cast: Maria Kravchenko
"LUTY" tells the story of Mariia, a young Ukrainian woman, who leaves her parents’ house seeking change and independence, trying to prove to her parents that they can be proud of her. The fight flares up and her self-discovery strains her connection with family. As she struggles with personal issues, the outbreak of war confronts Mariia with the harsh realities of the changes she so eagerly sought.
A Summers Day at Sherwood Park
Canada | Comedy | 15 min
Director/Writer: Conor Forrest
Producer: Conor Forrest, Shian Grace
Cast: Nathaniel Keith, Nathan Bellinger, Sophie Virio